Let's talk...
“Unimpressed” or “Not easily impressed” is often given to me as a compliment. I don’t know if it is unimpressed or if it’s just being hopeful for better.
Please take a look at the "About" section to see more on why I'm writing this blog. I'd highly recommend you read this post first before jumping to the "Articles" page, because you may judge me an entitled dick. In fact, you still might, but maybe it'll take you a little longer to get to that point if you read the "About" section first :)
My posts are for entertainment only and aren't here to cause offence or upset anyone. I'll just be over here hashing out my own feelings about everything and anything in today's society/world.
I'd love to receive honest feedback, or ideas of what else I can write about too. If you have any questions or just want to leave me some comments, please hit the "Contact" page.
Unashamedly Unimpressed x